
Major New Development Proposed for Shady Grove Road

A project plan was submitted last month for a mixed-use development on 31 acres along Shady Grove Road between Choke Cherry Road and Gaither Road. The location is north of the Gables’ Upper Rock project and west of King Farm.

Current buildings on the site of the proposed Shady Grove Neighborhood Center. Map from City of Rockville website.

Current buildings on the site of the proposed Shady Grove Neighborhood Center. Map from City of Rockville website.

February 16, 2017 // Cynthia Cotte Griffiths • Rockville, MD - The property currently is home to seven aging buildings containing 433,456 square feet of office space along with large surface parking lots. The developer, Lantian/1788 Shady Grove, is proposinga community with a new grid street pattern and open spaces that would include 330 townhomes, 1,600 multi-family residential units, and 850,000 square feet of retail, office, hotel and/or institutional uses (such as senior housing or nursing home). The proposed open area is 10 acres with 3.94 acres of public use space.

Plan for the Shady Grove Neighborhood Center. Credit: Plan submitted by Linowes and Blocker LLP

Plan for the Shady Grove Neighborhood Center. Credit: Plan submitted by Linowes and Blocker LLP

The plan includes a neighborhood center with a pedestrian-friendly “Main Street” between the commercial development on Shady Grove and the community of King Farm. The parking facilities will be on the west side by King Farm and streets will be developed to limit traffic on Choke Cherry and Gaither Roads leading into King Farm.

The post application meeting for this project will be held at 7 PM on Wednesday, February 22, 2017, at 2096 Gaither Road in Rockville.

Original Source: Rockville View // See Source